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Jumping on People

One of the most irritating behavior problems in dogs is jumping on people. This type of behavior should never be encouraged. Whenever it occurs, a dog should be reprimanded and retrained. Allowing your dog to jump on other people, particularly strangers, is selfish and shows a lack of respect for the other person.

This type of behavior is usually exhibited by puppies, small dogs, or dogs which have never been trained not to jump on people. The first person a dog jumps on is usually his owner. He does this in order to get your attention. When he jumps on you, lean towards him and say in a firm lowered tone of voice "OFF". (Whenever possible, avoid using the word "NO." If you get in the habit of saying "NO" to everything your dog does wrong, he may eventually think it's his name.) After saying this, he has no choice but to back away from you. Once he is away, make sure his bottom is firmly planted on the ground and teach him to "SIT." Each time you are successful and he understands, offer him calm praise for obeying you. After a short while, you will only need to say "SIT" because he knows if he obeys, a reward will follow.

Never pet your dog when he jumps on someone. Petting him is a sign of approval and you are sending him a mixed message. Your dog must know he is to sit for your attention or for the attention of a stranger.

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