
Health Services

Nutritional CounselingMedical Boarding

Pets are living longer, healthier lives than ever before and part of that success is due to our expanded knowledge of the importance of proper nutrition. Nutrition is one of the biggest health variables controlled by a pet's caregiver.

During your pet's comprehensive physical examination we evaluate his or her body condition and give recommendations based on what we see.

For most pets, our recommendations will include information on proper serving size and other feeding strategies to maintain optimal body weight and nutritional health. We will also help you wade through the claims made by pet food producers so you can make the most informed choice.

Our doctors and technicians provide extensive nutritional counseling and we stock prescription diets as well as select nutritional supplements.

Prescription Diets

Some pets have more serious nutritional challenges or chronic conditions that can benefit from a special diet. If we identify an issue in your pet, we will offer advice and provide information about diets that benefit specific medical conditions such as liver disease, bladder and kidney stones, renal failure, food allergies, diabetes and other conditions.

We carry a diverse inventory of prescription foods and high-quality nutritional products. If your pet requires a prescription diet we do not carry, we can easily order it for you

DermatologyWellness Exams

If left untreated, dermatological conditions can fester and become serious health concerns. It is important to be able to identify the first signs and symptoms of allergies and dermatological conditions.

These include:

  • Inflamed ears
  • Hotspots, especially those that recur
  • Scratching or rubbing the eyes or mouth area
  • Flaking
  • Lesions on the skin
  • Hair loss
  • Red itchy bumps on the skin
  • Asthma-like wheezing or respiratory issues

All of these indicate a serious dermatological condition, or an allergic reaction to allergens such as fleas, pollen, dust and various foods. If you notice any of these issues it is important that you bring your pet in for an evaluation.

Metropolitcan Veterinary Center is capable of testing for and treating a number of allergic and dermatologic conditions in pets. For allergies, this may include hyposensitization in which your pet is exposed to small doses of an allergen to prompt immunologic tolerance to the specific allergen.

For both allergies and dermatological conditions, we will also take the time to explain your pet's condition, how to prevent future occurrences, and the proper method of home treatment.


Your pet can develop glaucoma too. This is a condition in which the fluid pressure inside the eye increases to a point where the optic nerve is damaged, causing loss of vision and blindness. Glaucoma is relatively common in animals and can develop as your pet ages—this is known as chronic glaucoma—or as the result of an injury or illness—which is known as acute glaucoma.

In many cases glaucoma can progress quite rapidly, especially when it is the result of injury or underlying illness. This can be considered an emergency situation.

Glaucoma symptoms to look for include:

  • Redness in the eye
  • Tearing or discharge
  • Eye sensitivity to light
  • Pain
  • Cloudiness
  • Bulging eyeball

We recommend that you have your pet checked regularly for this condition. A routine glaucoma exam is not only an effective screening measure for chronic and acute glaucoma, but can also help set a baseline measurement for your pet. Setting a baseline measurement is important because normal Intraocular Pressure (IOP) can vary between species, breeds and even individual pets.

We use an instrument called a tonometer to measure the fluid pressure inside your pet's eyes. It is a noninvasive procedure and should not cause your pet any pain or discomfort. We will apply a mild anesthetic eye-drop to ensure your pet is comfortable during the exam.

The examination is very quick to perform and once done, we will explain your pet's measurement, what it tells us about the health of your pet's eyes, and provide any treatment options if necessary.

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